Friday, October 22, 2010

Final Round

I took Anna and Olivia for my last round of pedicure playdates.

We started the afternoon with the pedicures and then went to Panda Express for dinner. We listened to a little Taio Cruz's-Dynamite song in the car. Olivia sure can sing loud and it's a good thing she knew all of the words to that song.

And the day wouldn't have been complete if they didn't get to hold some chickens.

Thanks for a great afternoon ladies!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pedicure Playdate Round 2

My second pedicure was with Quinn. She had a day off of school and I needed to get my toes done for my upcoming trip. It worked out perfect. She picked a lovely shade of hot pink which she got on her toes as well as her fingers. The cute lady that was working on her also gave her TWO suckers! That thrilled Quinn. So after getting pampered we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch. Nothing beats those chicken nuggets! To conclude our playdate we listened to a little Justin Beiber on our way home. Good times with a cute little lady!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Pedicure Playdate Round 1

Emily, Zoe and myself spent some time today getting pampered. We started with pedicures and ended with salads at Cafe Rio. Neither of them had ever received a pedicure. I'm not sure which part they enjoyed the most, if it was the massage chair, getting their legs and feet massaged, or picking out a flower to add to their color. They are both quite entertaining! It was enjoyable to listen in on what ten and eleven-year-olds talk about (I believe they came up with a rewards system that had to do with their bookclub. Example, if you don't complete your book report, you will have to pay $5.00. Yikes! And if you do, you will get $20.00. Wonder how that would go over in my bookclub?) Good times, good food, and soft feet! Thanks little ladies for going with me and making me smile.