Friday, August 6, 2010

Pedicure Playdate Round 1

Emily, Zoe and myself spent some time today getting pampered. We started with pedicures and ended with salads at Cafe Rio. Neither of them had ever received a pedicure. I'm not sure which part they enjoyed the most, if it was the massage chair, getting their legs and feet massaged, or picking out a flower to add to their color. They are both quite entertaining! It was enjoyable to listen in on what ten and eleven-year-olds talk about (I believe they came up with a rewards system that had to do with their bookclub. Example, if you don't complete your book report, you will have to pay $5.00. Yikes! And if you do, you will get $20.00. Wonder how that would go over in my bookclub?) Good times, good food, and soft feet! Thanks little ladies for going with me and making me smile.